Aspecte ale evoluţiei istorice a tehnologiilor militare în Țările Române (Aspects of the historical evolution of military technologies in the Romanian Principalities)

postat în: Volumul XVII 0

Located at a geographical and geopolitical crossroads, the Romanian Principalities have almost always been the scene of the passage or collision of populations from Asia or the Mediterranean basin. In this context, the appearance and evolution of the military industry … Citeşte mai mult

Personalităţi istorice cu rol decisiv în evoluţia tehnologică a echipamentelor jandarmeriei/poliţiei române (Outstanding historical figures in the evolution of the technological endowment of the Romanian gendarmerie/police

postat în: Volumul XVII 0

he present paper is of interest in the general framework of the concern regarding the history of the emergence of the Romanian armed forces intended for internal affairs and, specifically, the study regarding the evolution of the institution of the … Citeşte mai mult

Aspecte comparative referitoare la fluxul repatrierilor militarilor români în timpul celui de‑al Doilea Război Mondial (Comparative aspects regarding the flow of Romanian military repatriates in the Second World War)

postat în: Volumul XVII 0

Military and political arguments were the main reasons for the repatriation of Romanian prisoners of war from captivity during World War II. In the opinion of the Romanian authorities, expressed on several occasions, the situation of those released from captivity, … Citeşte mai mult

Istoria aşa cum s‑a scris – eroi ai revoluţiei de la 1848: preotul Radu Șapcă din Romanaţi (Celei − Corabia) (History as it was written − heroes of the 1848 revolution: Priest Radu Șapcă from Romanați (Celei − Corabia))

postat în: Volumul XVII 0

The Revolution of 1848 was undoubtedly the seed from which modern Romanian society developed. It was an epochal episode in our troubled past, resulting in a total change in the Romanians’ way of thinking and in their political and national … Citeşte mai mult

140 de ani de la naşterea inginerului Dumitru Marcu, specialist cu o activitate remarcabilă în domeniul construcţiilor (140 years since the birth of engineer Dumitru Marcu, specialist with a major activity in constructions)

postat în: Volumul XVII 0

Engineer Dumitru Marcu (1884–1942) was one of the great Romanian specialists in the construction field, with a great professional activity carried out, especially, in the interwar period. He became known since the construction of the first bridges with reinforced concrete … Citeşte mai mult

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